Pinzgauer Festive costume- "Überrock"
Well dressed
Anyone who has ever been to one of the many traditional events here in Pinzgau is sure to have seen them: the many women in traditional Pinzgau festive costumes, casually known as "Überrock" or "Garnierspenzer". The women gracefully and proudly wear the festive garb, lending every celebration a special glow.
From generation to generation
The overskirt is passed down from generation to generation. People have it fitted again and I love wearing it on festive occasions. It makes you feel very special. In the past, a young woman was given an overskirt for her wedding and from then on it accompanied her throughout her life as her Sunday and holiday costume - and this tradition is still practiced today.
The basic features of the quilted bodice and the garniture costume date back as far as the 17th century, with the first pictorial evidence of the festive costume dating back to around 1850.
The passing on of traditional costume over generations fulfills a special social function. The wearers are particularly proud to be able to wear the traditional costume of their mothers or grandmothers, thereby also pointing to the sustainability that goes with it.

Garnish spencer, hat and quilted bodice
Today, the complete traditional costume comprises eight pieces, which can be worn in combination depending on the occasion:
The skirt and top are separate garments connected by a silver hook and the skirt is the unchanging component of the traditional costume.
On Sundays, the traditional costume is worn as a corset, consisting of a quilted bodice and the "Unterröckl". On important occasions, people wear the "Garnierspenzer".
The color of the apron and the breast cloth are adapted to the respective occasion, so dark colors are worn for funerals and lighter colors for happy occasions.
The traditional costume is completed with the so-called brush hat. The quilted bodice in particular is extremely versatile, can be combined to suit a wide variety of occasions and therefore fits in perfectly with modern times.
Highest level of craftsmanship
Garnier spencers and quilted bodices are worn as festive costumes in all Salzburg mountain regions, including Pongau and Lungau. The Pinzgau costume stands out due to the particularly elaborate design of the tops.
The application of the silk flowers and the relief stitching on the bodice demand the highest level of craftsmanship, which only a few can still achieve. It takes about 140 hours to make an overskirt
UNESCO cultural heritage: The Pinzgau festive costume
Garnier spencers, quilted bodices and hats have been added to the UNESCO list of intangible cultural heritage in Austria.
Text sources:
Pictures: Susanne Bayer Fotografie