Smoking an old tradition
Smoking is an old tradition in many cultures.
Sick rooms were disinfected with smoke and in the Catholic Church
incense for spiritual purification.
Here at the Eggerhof we still celebrate Christmas and New Year's Eve.
and accompanied by blessings.
But you can also help to sterilise rooms energetically at all other times. For example, we know the saying - the air is thick here - when there is an argument in a room. The purpose of fumigation is to clear the atmosphere of negative energies in order to
to create a harmonious environment at home.
There are many reasons to fumigate a flat or a house: e.g. when you move into a new flat, spring cleaning, longer illnesses, separations or when you simply don't feel comfortable in a room. So you can simply decide when and what you want to fumigate according to your feelings.
There are preparations before smoking.
1) Open the window so that the smoke with the negative energies can escape.
2) Hold the charcoal with tongs and light it, or simply place dried plant material in a bowl filled with sand and light it directly so that it smokes but does not burn.
For herbs and flowers, you can also use a smoking sieve over a
tea light.
3) Wait until the smoking charcoal has formed a grey layer of ash (can last until up to 10 minutes) and now place plant material or resin on top.
4) Walk round the room with the incense bowl anti-clockwise - i.e. to the left of the room - and spread the smoke (e.g. with a feather).
Simply let your feelings guide you.
5) Remove burnt material if necessary and add new plant material.
If you want to fumigate the whole house, simply start in the cellar and work your way up through each room.
The following are particularly suitable for smoking
Corridor: Sage and black cumin
Kitchen: Lavender and sage
Living room: Rose petals and lavender
Study and office: Lavender for relaxation - rosemary for stimulation
Bedroom: Mugwort, valerian and hop blossoms
Bathroom: Mint and rosemary
Cellar and attic: Spruce, pine or fir needles.
Children's rooms should only be furnished with a herbal pillow.
All herbs can be bought at the pharmacy or health food shop.
Of course, all herbs and flowers can be collected and dried in summer.
Now we wish you lots of fun and healthy energy.